Vocational Discernment/Ministry Intern Those interested in assisteing the ministry in a substantive way while earning valuable experience are invited to reach out and set up a conversation with Pastor Hicks for a discernment session to ensure you move toward fulfullment of your God-given purpose. You may do that here, with one of our partners or with the mant resources available upon consultation. Responsibilities to Be Determined based upon the interest of the applicatnt and the needs of the Baptist Student Foundation at Purdue.
The Baptist Student Foundation at Purdue, Inc. is affiliated with the American Baptist Churches of USA, Indiana-Kentucky, and Greater Indianapolis. |
How to Apply:To apply to open job positions at The Found, please send an email to Pastor Hicks and follow the instructions below. 1. Construct and send an email to: office@thefoundatpurdue.org or call 317-250-0855 2. Use this as your email subject line: "[Name of position] Application" Ex.) Worship Leader Application 3. Write a message briefly describing you and your interest in the position 4. Upload and attach your cover letter & resume 5. Ensure your contact information is accurate (E-mail, Phone Number, etc) Hear about the heart of this internship
from past interns: Watch this video to hear about The Found, the internship, from past interns, and the impacts interns have had on students. Past Resident Interns: |